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Old Sep 13, 2007, 02:39 PM // 14:39   #1
Krytan Explorer
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Default help on getting survivor title with ranger

hello, I've started a new ranger character and I'm going for the survivor title for him. I know I should bring whirling defense and block mechanics. But can anyone give tips on how to get the title? I know doing master quests or getting masters in mission is suicide and many mostly halt my title. And I heard of the splinter/barrage build and can be done in the battle of turai procession for survivor. Can anyone tell me how that works and what weapon, runes, and skills to bring?
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Old Sep 13, 2007, 10:08 PM // 22:08   #2
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here's something that tells you about survivor..
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Old Sep 13, 2007, 11:38 PM // 23:38   #3
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I read that, i'll use the f12+enter tactic and avoid entering pugs. But I specifically want to know about the splinter barrage build, especially this video.
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Old Sep 14, 2007, 10:03 PM // 22:03   #4
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this one is slightly different as it does not have troll ungent
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Old Sep 14, 2007, 11:12 PM // 23:12   #5
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ok thanks, all i have to do is just avoid master quests and master awards in mish.
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Old Sep 15, 2007, 11:37 PM // 23:37   #6
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Default oh *some random word replacing the s-word* "F" on my survivor title. Now my ranger...

Ok, I'm not mad or anything, but I was trying to get the legendary Survivor title with this build (and yes this is a slow build). I cast all the enchantments from both of my monk heroes and the Symbosis spirit thing. I was going to get aggro another group of Jade knight when I notice my health dropped to one. I realised i was out of the symbosis ranger and the knight whacked me (when I tried to escape) and then:

Not only that, I wasted a lot of money on it, somewhere 35k+ oxes (a.k.a. bucks) on buying runes and the exp scrolls. I came to a realization that the title is freaking hard. Getting survivor is like you undergo a one-shot test and if you make one mistake, you fail everything (as slim shady would say it: "Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted. One moment. Would you capture it or just let it slip?"). My guy is ranger and I just a made all rangers saying "OMG, the Mudkipz Hunter (the name of my ranger) failed on the survivor, everyone laugh at him." Ok, I hope you guys don't laugh me. Since there is no way to continue the title and that means I have to start over again. Should I get rid of my ranger and reborn him, let him go, just go for another title for my ranger, or persuade my parents to spend $9 for a new character slot (i used up all my 8 slots)?

*P.S. I try not to rant, swear, or get angry or anything. Otherwise, I'll have my butt kicked. And the pic shown here is Dawn from the hit reality TV series Pokemon. I don't watch the show myself, but my younger cousin is a fan of it. I'm 18 years old and I outgrown it, although I do intentionally make funny articles on pokemon on uncyclopedia. I'm just want to convert my anger to humor.*
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Old Sep 17, 2007, 10:30 AM // 10:30   #7
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My advice..... work on staying alive on a non-survivor character. If you can get twenty skill-points in a row without doing any fancy stuff (elite capping, etc) and without dying a single time.... THEN you are ready to get a survivor title.

Personally, I doubt I'll ever bother trying.
I'm aiming for LDoA... and I'll get that long before I ever achieve a survivor title of any rank.
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Old Sep 17, 2007, 10:28 PM // 22:28   #8
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lol i know what u mean

have tried rit survivor 16 times best i got to was 500,000 exp

lol but then again i was on dialup modem 56k with massive spikes

...so ranger u shouldnt have a problem.
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Old Sep 18, 2007, 03:51 PM // 15:51   #9
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Ranger is a relatively easy profession to get survivor on, or at least it was for me.

What I did was start out in Factions, you can get pretty damn close to level 20 (I usually get to 17) before you leave Shing Jea Island. I was level 15 before I even noticed that I hadn't died.

Off the Island:

Take a trip to Nightfall/Gwen and get heros. Carefully. I wasn't able to do this because there was no Nightfall, so you have an advantage here. If you are leaving from Cantha to NF, either be very careful in Kaineng, get someone to help you with the Cantha-Elona quest, or don't do it at all.


You are a ranger, you can stay back. Do not approach the red dots. Any of them. They want to kill you. You want to survive. Do not try and avoid them all the time either, you'll accidently aggro them and be screwed. Slow, purposeful and patient movements. Either play with other people (try not to with pugs) and stay back with a flatbow or someone else and follow them. If you are down to H/H, get used to using flags. Flag them, piss off the red dots, then stand behind your flag. It will take longer, and sometimes your dumb henchies will wipe, but if you see that happening, you can retreat. Bring rebirth.

Using that method, you can probably headbutt your way through most of the maps in most areas of the game. That will allow you to get to an area where you can look up an XP farm and get the rest of your survivor.
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Old Sep 21, 2007, 02:07 AM // 02:07   #10
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Alex morning star makes a great point
that and have a decent conenction better than 56k dialup and ur set.
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Old Oct 20, 2007, 08:43 AM // 08:43   #11
Forge Runner
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Originally Posted by Dark Paladin X
Ok, I'm not mad or anything, but I was trying to get the legendary Survivor title with this build (and yes this is a slow build). I cast all the enchantments from both of my monk heroes and the Symbosis spirit thing. I was going to get aggro another group of Jade knight when I notice my health dropped to one. I realised i was out of the symbosis ranger and the knight whacked me (when I tried to escape) and then:

Not only that, I wasted a lot of money on it, somewhere 35k+ oxes (a.k.a. bucks) on buying runes and the exp scrolls. I came to a realization that the title is freaking hard. Getting survivor is like you undergo a one-shot test and if you make one mistake, you fail everything (as slim shady would say it: "Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted. One moment. Would you capture it or just let it slip?"). My guy is ranger and I just a made all rangers saying "OMG, the Mudkipz Hunter (the name of my ranger) failed on the survivor, everyone laugh at him." Ok, I hope you guys don't laugh me. Since there is no way to continue the title and that means I have to start over again. Should I get rid of my ranger and reborn him, let him go, just go for another title for my ranger, or persuade my parents to spend $9 for a new character slot (i used up all my 8 slots)?

*P.S. I try not to rant, swear, or get angry or anything. Otherwise, I'll have my butt kicked. And the pic shown here is Dawn from the hit reality TV series Pokemon. I don't watch the show myself, but my younger cousin is a fan of it. I'm 18 years old and I outgrown it, although I do intentionally make funny articles on pokemon on uncyclopedia. I'm just want to convert my anger to humor.*
i made mine skillcapping, it might not cheap or fast as the farming but i survived through at least 20 disconnession.
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Old Oct 20, 2007, 03:58 PM // 15:58   #12
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skill capping is kinda dangerous. ive seen ele and rit bosses wipe an entire team in 2 skills.
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Old Oct 20, 2007, 05:53 PM // 17:53   #13
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Originally Posted by Coloneh
skill capping is kinda dangerous. ive seen ele and rit bosses wipe an entire team in 2 skills.
as ranger you have broad head arrow, plus you can use a longbow and when you see hencie in trouble you can quickly logout
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Old Oct 20, 2007, 08:57 PM // 20:57   #14
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My advice is to not die.
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Old Oct 20, 2007, 09:21 PM // 21:21   #15
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Tip: Don't ALT+F4, Don't F12 + Enter, Tip: Have guild window open always - At the first sign of trouble hit the go to guild hall button, Don;t just out fit yourself - Out fit your heroes to and give them good skills, Go X/Mo and bring prot spirit always
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Old Oct 21, 2007, 06:52 AM // 06:52   #16
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ever fight the NF boss with SF? its totally unexpected "o look im burniing.... OWWWWW! what the hell was that!?"
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Old Oct 21, 2007, 12:29 PM // 12:29   #17
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Originally Posted by Coloneh
ever fight the NF boss with SF? its totally unexpected "o look im burniing.... OWWWWW! what the hell was that!?"
I did that Twas most fun especially bringing extinguish and diversion.
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Old Oct 21, 2007, 02:37 PM // 14:37   #18
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yeah, i brought those the second time i tried to cap it. that went much better.
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Old Oct 21, 2007, 02:40 PM // 14:40   #19
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I'm a legendary survivor and when I went for it, I was surprised about how easy it was to stay alive. And I've done it with a warrior.

Basicly my methods were...

-Try to get the max armor as soon as you can;
-Have at least 600 Health either by Runes (vitae, vigor), Survivor Insignias or weapons (sword +30/shield+30);
-Try to get heroes as soon as you can (though beware that if you don't start in nightfall, the mission to get there is very dangerous, ask for help on that one);
- Have 2 monk heroes and 1 monk henchman (at least 1 protection monk is needed);
- Always have a last resort skill (In my case I always had Endure Pain in my first slot) so if you get spiked you can keep yourself alive and have time to leave (always by f12+enter);
- Always have a running skill to get out of trouble;
- Watch for patrols, don't aggro too much and don't expose youself to dangerous situations;
- In factions campain don't do the missions after eternal grove/ gyala hatchery // In prophecies don't do the missions after thunderhead keep // In nightfall don't do the missions after Nundu Bay/Jennur's Horde and these 2 are also not recomended;
- Capture skills, use scrolls, don't PUG, don't run, don't be afk, don't put your title in other persons hands;
- Learn beforehand about what your going to face, where your steping, where you're going, wiki is your friend;

For the last xp you can farm the Jade Arena, although it's a bit boring. http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/The_Jade_Arena

Good Luck.
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Old Oct 27, 2007, 06:20 PM // 18:20   #20
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I have 4(now 3) Legendary Survivors, there are alot of ways to achieve this title, some people even do it in mere hours(that's beyond me but).

Ranger=Zelnehlun Farming, boring as hell but I got it pretty fast.
Paragon=Just went through missions, FoW, Skill caps then I deleted him >.>
Elementalist= Fast Faction Farming after about 1 mill exp
Necromancer= purely done it on Fast Faction Farming
Mesmer= almost complete

Skill capping, Quests (especially in Cantha.. wow), Missions aim for Masters, and do all the boring stuff, attain all heroes, 10k Luxon and Kurzick Faction, Ascending in Tyria (50k exp for beating doppleganger), all add up and fast.

I would say LDoA although maybe not as difficult definitely invests alot more time and commitment.. which most pvp players dont have.
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